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Multiple measures taken simultaneously by Meige Machinery to carry out the 2018 "Safety Production Month" activity

On the occasion of the national "Safety Production Month", the company has taken multiple measures to carry out a series of safety activities such as "emergency escape, fire drill and cigarette butt non-landing oath ceremony".

1. Multi-channel publicity: On the occasion of the national "Safety Production Month", the company has taken multiple measures to carry out a series of safety activities such as "emergency escape, fire drill and oath ceremony for cigarette butts not to land".

2. Actively organize education and training: actively participate in the special training on safety production organized by the street department, sort out and summarize the training and learning materials and the safety work instructions and requirements of the superiors, and form work reports and experiences to report to the company's leaders and convey them to the safety management personnel for retraining.

3. Multi-channel hidden danger investigation: carry out comprehensive and standardized investigation of various workshops, special equipment, electrical switches, mechanical faults, etc., and carry out rectification and supervision within a time limit;

4. Organize employees to carry out special practical education activities with the theme of "life first, safe development". On the afternoon of June 26, the "emergency escape, fire drill and cigarette butt non-landing oath ceremony" activities commanded by Qian Hongfa, deputy general manager of the company, were fully launched in the company: 1. Fire extinguishing drill: Vice President Qian Hongfa personally went into battle to explain and practice the key points and methods of fire extinguishing, and the employees practiced on the spot; 2. Safety emergency escape drill, with the sound of fire alarms, employees covered their mouths and noses with towels, evacuated from the workshop, and evacuated the designated place according to the scheduled evacuation route. In just 10 minutes, all employees in the workshop were evacuated safely.

At the end of the drill, Vice President Qian Hongfa held a meeting to elaborate on the importance of safety production work, and remobilized and redeployed the "Safety Production Month" activities, and put forward specific requirements in combination with the current work of our company. He pointed out that the solid implementation of the "Safety Production Month" activity aims to concentrate time and energy, widely publicize safety knowledge, enhance the safety awareness of all employees, improve the safety quality of all employees, improve the ability to recognize dangers, avoid dangers and rescue risks, and effectively prevent and resolutely curb the occurrence of major accidents. He stressed that to ensure safe production and promote safe development, the first thing is to take responsibility for safety, and the focus is on implementation. Personnel in all departments should firmly establish the awareness of the red line of safe production, strengthen responsibility, insist on ringing the alarm bell for a long time, and always grasp it unremittingly, and there must be no luck mentality.

Subsequently, in order to create a good safe and civilized production atmosphere, under the leadership of Vice President Qian Hongfa, employees picked up their pens and signed on the signature wall of "cigarette butts and garbage do not fall to the ground, Meige is more beautiful because of me", taking the lead in being safe and civilized practitioners.

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