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The Second Member Representative Conference of the Trade Union of Zhejiang Meige Machinery Co., Ltd. was successfully held

On June 30, the second trade union congress of Zhejiang Meige Machinery Co., Ltd. was successfully held, 41 trade union representatives from various departments and workshops of the company attended the conference, and Wu Jianlin, vice chairman of Jincheng Street Trade Union, was invited to attend the meeting.

At the meeting, Qian Hongfa, chairman of the trade union, made a speech entitled "Cohesion and Cohesion to Serve the Overall Situation, Organize and Mobilize the Majority of Employees to Create New Achievements for the Harmonious Development of the Enterprise" The report reviewed and summarized the main work of the company's trade union, and put forward the main tasks of the trade union in the future: continuously improve and optimize the trade union's own organizational construction, enhance the professional responsibility and service awareness of trade union cadres, and improve the ability to perform their duties; to improve the quality of all employees as the core, gather a strong force to promote the development of the enterprise; take cultural construction as the guide, fully demonstrate the new style of the workforce; take democratic management as the starting point, actively create harmonious and stable labor relations, and create a "double satisfaction" trade union organization.

Liu Guofang, chairman of the board of directors of the company, delivered a speech at the meeting and proposed that the trade union should strengthen its own construction work, effectively improve the work ability and level of the trade union, and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the trade union organization; it is necessary to focus on the development of the enterprise, stimulate the creative vitality of the workers, give full play to the role of the main force of the workers, and promote the harmony and stability of the enterprise.

Wu Jianlin, vice chairman of the Jincheng Street Trade Union, expressed warm congratulations on the convening of the second member congress of our company and affirmed the work and achievements of the trade union of our company. He proposed that the company's trade union should make persistent efforts, work hard to serve the overall situation, promote and strengthen democratic management, and contribute to the development of MeiG enterprise.

At the meeting, by secret ballot of member representatives, the General Assembly elected the second committee of the trade union, the fund review committee and the female employee committee of Zhejiang Meige Machinery Co., Ltd. Among them, Qian Hongfa was elected as the new chairman of the trade union.

Election results
conference elected 5 members of the second committee of the trade union, 3 members of the second fund review committee of the trade union, and 1 member of the second female staff committee of the trade union.

Comrade Qian Hongfa was elected as the chairman of the second committee of the trade union of Zhejiang Meige Machinery Co., Ltd.

Comrade Wu Qinwei was elected as the director of the second fund review committee of the trade union of Zhejiang Meige Machinery Co., Ltd.

Comrade Zheng Yingchun was elected as the director of the second women's working committee of the trade union of Zhejiang Meige Machinery Co., Ltd.

(Group photo of the members of the second session of the trade union)

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