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The printing process of decorative paper gravure printing machine is a complex and delicate process

First of all, before printing, the decorative paper gravure printing machine gravure printing plate is carefully prepared, and the graphic parts on it form grooves or pits, while the blank parts remain raised. At the same time, the ink in the ink fountain is adjusted to reach the viscosity and concentration suitable for printing.

When printing begins, the paper or other substrate enters the printing press through the paper feed device. At the same time, the plate cylinder begins to rotate and works in synchronization with the ink supply system. Ink is transported from the ink fountain to the surface of the plate cylinder through pipes. At this time, the grooves on the plate cylinder are filled with ink, while the raised parts remain clean.

Next, the plate cylinder comes into contact with the paper. During contact, the plate cylinder applies just the right amount of pressure to transfer the ink from the grooves to the paper. This transfer process is achieved by the rotation of the plate cylinder and the continuous feeding of the paper. Because the grooves on the plate cylinder correspond precisely to the image and text, the ink can be accurately transferred to the corresponding location on the paper.

While the ink is being transferred, the printing press also ensures printing uniformity and consistency through precise speed control. Printing too fast can result in incomplete ink transfer, while too slow can cause ink buildup or blurry printing. Therefore, the speed control system of the printing press needs to be accurately adjusted according to the paper type, ink properties and the desired printing effect.

In addition, in order to ensure the accuracy and quality of printing, the printing press is also equipped with a positioning adjustment system. By fine-tuning the position of the printing and gravure cylinders, you can ensure accurate ink transfer to the paper every time you print. This is critical to maintaining accuracy and consistency in continuous printing.

Throughout the printing process, the printing press operator needs to pay close attention to the printing effect and make necessary adjustments as needed. They may add new ink in a timely manner based on ink consumption, or adjust the parameters of the printing press based on the humidity and temperature of the paper.

Finally, when the paper is finished printing, it goes through a drying system to remove excess ink. The drying system usually uses hot air or infrared rays to quickly and effectively dry and fix the ink on the paper.
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