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Annual Quality Month, Strong Return

MeiG Machinery carried out quality month activities
In order to implement the notice of Hangzhou Qiangshi Office on carrying out the city's "Quality Month" activities in 2017, in order to "consolidate basic management, improve the quality of products and services, and enhance the quality awareness of employees", the company decided to carry out the "Quality Month" activities in September 2017 in the whole company.

Quality Month Activity Project

1. Construction and improvement of quality system

2. Special quality inspection and summary

3. Strengthen training in three systems

4. Zhejiang manufacturing product standards

5. Quality control course training

6. Corporate culture series activities

7. Carry out a special action to investigate potential safety hazards of special equipment

8. Quality inspection summary

The importance of quality

Adhere to the quality-oriented, and strive to improve the quality of products, work, and operation of the enterprise, and realize the quality of morality, quality, and quality.

The quality of quality is related to the life and death of the company, to develop it is necessary to put quality in the first place, but also to implement it in the hearts of every employee of the company, to form a solid sense of quality, to seek quality, but also to pay attention to details, start from small things, and maintain the quality of products like caring for life.

Strictly control quality and promote a long-term mechanism of quality management

1. Strict review and management of key process plans

Approve the progress of the manufacturing process, labor organization, process standards, construction preparation, quality standards, and pay attention to quality issues.

2. Strict process quality acceptance system

Establish a quality inspection as the head, the backbone of each team is responsible for quality control and management, and implement a composite acceptance system for the process.

3. Actively promote the application of new materials, new processes and new technologies

Break down the quality month

Unconsciously Quality Month has gone through 40 years, let's take a look at its historical changes with the editor.

September is the annual quality month, and the theme of this year's quality month is "standards lead development, guard quality and safety"; Carry forward the spirit of craftsmen and build a city of quality", at that time, various forms of activities will be carried out throughout the province, and the construction of a strong province with strong standards, strong quality and strong brand will be jointly promoted, and the brand will be created "Made in Zhejiang" brand, carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, cultivate century-old stores, and strive to create a strong environment of "the government attaches importance to quality, enterprises pursue quality, the society advocates quality, and everyone pays attention to quality", so as to push the economic and social development of our province to the era of quality, and write and build "six Zhejiang" and achieve "two high levels" The goal of a new chapter in Zhejiang is to welcome the victory of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The quality month activities began in 1978, and it was established in the national quality work administrative department (AQSIQ is the State Council in charge of national quality, measurement, entry-exit commodity inspection, entry-exit health quarantine, entry-exit animal and plant quarantine and certification accreditation, Standardization and other work, and the exercise of administrative law enforcement functions of the ministry-level directly under the advocacy and deployment, joint national departments and mobilize the majority of enterprises and the whole society to actively participate, in a variety of forms in September each year to organize a month-long quality special activities, aimed at improving the quality awareness and quality level of the whole nation.

The theme of the national "Quality Month" for the past years

2016 Theme: Improve the quality of supply, build a quality power

2015 Theme: To wards the quality era, building a quality power

2014 Theme: Promote the "three transformations" and build a quality power

2013 Theme: Create an upgraded version of the economy, to achieve the dream of a quality power

2012 Theme: Publicize and implement the "Quality Development Outline" and promote the construction of a quality power

2011 Theme: Build a quality power, create a better life

2010 Theme: Grasp the improvement of quality level and promote the transformation of development mode

2009 Theme: Full participation in the whole process, and comprehensively improve the level of quality and safety

2008 Theme: Quality and safety are the foundation of social harmony

2007 Theme: Quality and Safety, Shared Responsibility

2006 Theme: Innovation to improve quality, famous brand to promote development

2005 Theme: Dedication to high-quality products, build a harmonious society

2004 Theme: Everyone creates quality, everyone enjoys quality

2003 Theme: Insist on winning by quality and improving competitiveness

2002 Theme: Integrity and Quality

2001 Theme: New Century, New Quality, New Life

2000 Theme: Quality - The Call of the New Century

1999 Theme: Create high quality, meet the new century

1998 Theme: Quality Revitalization, Everyone is Responsible

1997 Theme: Let the "Quality Revitalization Outline" be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

1996 Theme: Take the road of quality and efficiency, and change to intensive

1995 Theme: Quality - Famous Brand - Efficiency

1994 Theme: Quality and efficiency

1993 Theme: Welcoming the resumption of customs with high-quality products and services

1982 Theme: Seek practical benefits and make users satisfied

1979 Theme:  Strive to produce first-class and high-quality products to the 30th anniversary of the National Day

1978 Theme: Producing high-quality products is glorious, producing inferior products is shameful

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