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Strengthening Technology Services to Assist Enterprise Development - Entering Zhejiang Meige Machinery Co., Ltd

In order to give full play to the professional advantages of scientific and technological workers and help the development of the real economy, on March 20, 2023, a group of 32 leaders and engineers who participated in the work exchange activities of Ningbo Old Science and Technology Workers Association and Lin'an District Engineers Association went to Zhejiang Meige Machinery Co., Ltd. to carry out inspection and exchange activities. Liu Guofang, chairman of the company, accompanied the leaders and engineers to visit the exhibition workshop of the "Second 'Specialized, Specialized and New' Intelligent Factory Industry Chain Conference of Meige Machinery", watched the intelligent production process, and learned more about the production and operation of the enterprise, digital informatization, product types, product research and development, product testing, market prospects, development planning and other related situations. According to the needs of the enterprise, the safety and environmental protection experts of the two associations, accompanied by the safety manager, helped the company to carry out a detailed investigation of production equipment, electrical circuits, electrical control, grounding protection, mechanical transmission protection, mobile electrical appliances, fire-fighting facilities, use of hazardous chemicals, safe passage and functional partition, safety identification, waste gas treatment, solid waste management, etc.

After the visit, a symposium was held, and Chairman Liu Guofang extended a warm welcome to the leaders and experts, and briefly introduced the basic situation of MeiG Machinery and the current situation of scientific and technological innovation. He focused on the company's third 10-year leading development plan and the current efforts to build an industrial Internet digital information platform UEI software solution, which is also in response to the national call of Made in China 2025, Industry 4.0, intelligent manufacturing and so on. In this regard, the experts had a heated discussion. Wang Wenling, President of Ningbo Association for Science and Technology, highly affirmed and praised the company's innovation and development for more than 20 years, and was also moved by Chairman Liu's entrepreneurial spirit. She emphasized that this science and technology assistance activity is also to learn, publicize and implement the spirit of the "20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", explore a new model of service for enterprises in the journey of forging ahead in the new era, improve their own service capabilities, and help the development of the real economy. It is understood that the Ningbo Old Science and Technology Workers Association is a non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by Ningbo Science and Technology Workers, which is under the management of Ningbo Science and Technology Association. The participants in this event are mainly experts from the Industrial Science and Technology Commission, including engineers from safety management, environmental protection, electronics, machinery manufacturing, electrical automation, non-ferrous metals, etc. They have been fighting in the front line of production and construction and scientific research for a long time, have profound professional skills and rich practical experience, and have made important contributions to local economic and social development and scientific and technological progress. They are imparting knowledge, exchanging experience, and dedicating wisdom in various brand activities such as "science and technology to help enterprises, science and technology to help agriculture, science and technology to help the elderly, and science and technology to help students".

At the symposium, safety and environmental protection experts also gave feedback to the company on the problems found in the investigation, and put forward valuable rectification suggestions, and the participating experts also put forward guidance on preventing safety production accidents, standardization of safety production, and improving the safety management system. The visit to Zhejiang Meige Machinery for inspection and exchange is the epitome of the "science and technology to help enterprises" activity. "The work of science popularization is endless, and every scientific and technological worker needs to act together and do their best. Zhu Jianzhong, Secretary-General of the Ningbo Association for Science and Technology, said that the Association is constantly exploring the operation mode of science popularization projects, and carefully building the brand of the Association for Science and Technology, so as to participate in the historical process of high-quality development, and do something for the elderly. At the meeting, the Ningbo Association for Science and Technology also emphasized that it is necessary to vigorously carry forward the spirit of scientists in the new era, strive to build the brand of "popular science to help enterprises", and effectively condense the wisdom of the majority of scientific and technological workers to the goals and tasks determined by the "20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", give full play to the organizational advantages of the Association for Science and Technology in an open, pivotal and platform type, consciously practice the spirit of "four dares", and empower the industry to improve quality and upgrade with scientific and technological innovation. Carry out a series of activities of "science and technology to help enterprises" to stimulate the innovation and creativity of scientific and technological workers. In the process of improving the scientific quality of the whole people, we should be good at planning and daring, constantly innovate the content of popular science activities, and form a multi-level socialized popular science work pattern.

Finally, Chen Gangshan, President of Lin'an District Engineers Association, expressed his heartfelt thanks to Zhejiang Meige Machinery Company for its warm reception. President Chen greatly appreciated the work of the Ningbo Association of Old Science and Technology Workers, and believed that the content was rich and the results were remarkable, and hoped that in the future, the two associations would maintain communication, give full play to their residual heat, strengthen ideological guidance, build the association better, and jointly contribute to the development of enterprises and social services.

After the meeting, Chairman Liu Guofang took a group photo with the leading experts of the Ningbo Association for Science and Technology and the Lin'an District Engineers Association. In the future, we will unswervingly promote the transformation and upgrading of digital information construction, strive to achieve high-quality development of the enterprise, and make greater contributions to the economy of Lin'an.

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